Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
VIETNAM. Hanoi. April 2000. U.S. Senator John MCCAIN in front of a Ho Chi Minh statue during his visit to Vietnam just prior to the 25th anniversary of the end of the war.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
Senator John McCain and his wife and son visit his old cell in the 'Hanoi Hilton' prison in Hanoi

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
VIETNAM. Hanoi. April 2000. U.S. Senator John MCCAIN looks at a disfigured plaque at the lake where he parachuted into when his plane was shot down during the Vietnam War.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
Senator John McCain being briefed in Hanoi by the Missing In Action (M.I.A) team.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
Senator John McCain with his son pointing out his fellow prisoners in Hanoi

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
VIETNAM. Hanoi. April 2000. U.S. Senator John MCCAIN shakes hands with a local at the lake he parachuted into when his plane was shot down during the Vietnam War.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
VIETNAM. Hanoi. April 2000. U.S. Senator John MCCAIN with his wife, Cindy, and 13-year-old son, Jack outside the "Hanoi Hilton," where McCain was imprisoned for five and a half years during the Vietnam War.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
VIETNAM. Hanoi. April 2000. U.S Senator John MCCAIN, his wife, Cindy, and U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam Douglas "Pete" PETERSON at a repatriation ceremony at Noi BAI airport for the remains of soldiers missing in action.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
Senator John McCain and his wife stroll along the banks of the Truc Bach Lake.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
VIETNAM. Hanoi. April 2000. U.S. Senator John MCCAIN with his wife, Cindy, during a briefing at the U.S. MIA Office.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
VIET NAM. Ha Noi. April 2000. U.S. Senator John MCCAIN in front of a Ho Chi Minh statue during his visit to Viet Nam just prior to the 25th anniversary of the end of the war.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
VIET NAM. Ha Noi. April 2000. U.S. Senator John MCCAIN, his wife Cindy, and U.S. Ambassador to Viet Nam Douglas "Pete" PETERSON at a repatriation ceremony at Noi Bai airport for the remains of soldiers missing in action.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
VIET NAM. Ha Noi. April 2000. U.S. Senator John MCCAIN examines the remains of US casualties retrieved from numerous locations around Viet Nam. They are placed in individual flag-draped coffins for the journey to Hawaii for continuation of the identification process.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
VIET NAM. Ha Noi. April 2000. U.S. Senator John MCCAIN and family visiting the Hao Lo prison nicknamed the "Ha Noi Hilton" where he was held prisoner during the war.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
VIET NAM. Ha Noi. April 2000. U.S. Senator John MCCAIN and family visiting the Hao Lo prison nicknamed the "Ha Noi Hilton" where he was held prisoner during the war. Discussing his fellow cell-mates with his son Jack.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
VIET NAM. Ha Noi. April 2000. U.S. Senator John MCCAIN with his wife and son near a monument on the shore of Truc Bach Lake commemorating the men who pulled him from the lake and captured him. He was trying to bomb the nearby Yen Phu power plant when he was shot down by an anti-aircraft gun crew defending the power plant. The monument has been splattered with red paint.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
VIET NAM. Ha Noi. April 2000. U.S. Senator John MCCAIN with his wife and son stroll along the bank of Truc Bach Lake during a tour (paid for by NBC's Today program) to Viet Nam on the 25th anniversary of the end of the war. He did not endear himself to the Vietnamese when he claimed that "the wrong guys" won the war.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
VIET NAM. Ha Noi. April 2000. U.S. Senator John MCCAIN and his wife being briefed at the Joint Task Force-Full Accounting office.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
Senator John McCain sits beneath a bust of Ho Chi Minh in Hanoi

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
Senator John McCain. His wife and the American ambassador observe a casket carrying the remains of an American soldier killed in the Vietnam war as it is carried onto a plane.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
Senator John McCain examines the fragments of the remains of Americans that died during the Vietnam war.

Vietnam Senator John McCAIN
Senator John McCain and his wife and son on the banks of the Truc Bach Lake in Hanoi where a memorial exists to commemorate his rescue from the lake after hs plane was shot down. The memorial had been daubed wih red paint.