Papua New Guinea
PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Woman wearing a bra sold to her by missionairies to cover up her nakedness. Missionaries are obsessed with breasts. These storm troopers of cultural imperialism impose brassieres on reluctant women (although some recipients do find then useful for carrying coconuts). 1973

Papua New Guinea
PAPAU NEW GUINEA. Missionaries like to keep out of the sun - it helps them stand out from their darker flock. 1973

Papua New Guinea
PAPAU NEW GUINEA. I was allowed to attend this ceremony after it was established that I was not a missionary. To the accompaniment of rhythmic chanting, couples roll their heads against each others' with ever-increasing momentum. When the climax reached, copulation usually occurs - but on this occasion my flashgun lengthened the foreplay until my batteries ran out. 1973

Papua New Guinea
PAPUA NEW GUINEA. This girl was covered in white clay as part of the traditional mourning ceremony for her dead grandfather. In parts of New Guinea, people wear no clothes (in the western sense). For special occasions they paint bodies with pigments and adorn themselves with feathers and shells. 1973

Papua New Guinea
PAPUA NEW GUINEA.. A warrior is given the opportunity to see farther than ever before. His world is about to change forever. 1973