Winning the White House: From Press Prints to Selfies August 6 – September 11 Gallery Hours: Thursday – Sunday | 12:00 – 6:00 p.m. OPENING RECEPTION: SATURDAY, AUGUST 6 | 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Presented by International Center of Photography Every presidential candidate constructs a public persona. From official portraits and campaign ads to selfies
We are very pleased to announce the launch of our new website! Philip wished that his work not only be kept safe, but to be kept in the public eye for further generations to study and learn from. It is with that in mind that we are proud to bring you this website with over
‘Philip Jones Griffiths: Vietnam War Photographer’, a new documentary made by Rondo Media and JTV, in conjunction with S4C, will be broadcast on the 28th of February at 9pm. S4C is available on BBC iplayer and the documentary will be available to watch for a month after the original broadcast date.
The premiere of the new documentary ‘Philip Jones Griffiths: Vietnam War Photographer’ will be held at the Frontline Club, Paddington, London on the 16th of February 2016. Learn more and book your place here. Check back soon for more information about broadcast details!
On Saturday 7 November LENS 2015 will take place at The National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth. An essential photography festival that no-one with an interest in photography should miss, which will focus this year on Philip Jones Griffiths and his work. Amongst the speakers at the festival will be Martin Woollacott, former foreign correspondent, foreign
A Welsh Focus on War and Peace 27.06.15 – 12.12.15 An exhibition celebrating the life and work of one of the great documentary photographers of recent times, Philip Jones Griffiths. Through the medium of original works and personal archive material, we will explore his early work in Britain, his world renowned photographs documenting various wars